Anasazi Pueblo 

Anasazi Facts & Biography

Anasazi means enemy of long ago.  In 1700 they began building pueblos. The pueblos were made out of mud and sticks, and they were built on the side of canyons. The Anasazi lived in what is now referred to as the four corners of Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah. The Anasazi had interactions with only three known tribes: Navajos, Apaches, and Atapasca. They did not have contact with "Whites".

 The Anasazi grew corn, squash, beans, tobacco, and cotton. They raised turkey. They hunted Mammoth, Bears, and other animals. During the winter Anasazi people wore robes from rabbit fur and turkey feathers, but during the summer they would wear skirts made of cotton. They trades extensively to people that live in what are now Mexico and California.



            The Anasazi we believed to be the first Indians in the Americans. They came to the North America, from Asia sometime around 200A.D. They are ancestors of the modern day Pueblo Indian tribe. They built their first pueblo in 900 in what is now referred to as Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Pueblos were two to three stories high, with many rooms. The largest pueblo known to man had about eight-hundred rooms and could fit about 1,200 people. In 1150 the canyon called the Chaco Canyon culture ended to what we may believe had been drought, warfare, and/or disease. About 1300 A.D. Anasazi people vanished. There are many theories as to why the Anasazi disappeared, such as drought, warfare and invasion, and disease.


Social and religious ceremonies were often held in pits called kivas'. They were around 25 feet in diameter and they were very colorful. The walls were covered in symbolic paintings. The dry weather and the hot sun help preserve many religious items made by the Anasazi. Pots were one of the many items used for religious ceremonies.

 Anasazi Religion Pot

 Anasazi Weapons

Weapons / Items

                Hunters and warriors used spears called atlatl, which is a stick in which one end has a point, and the other it rounded, so it was easy you handle. Between 400 and 700 A.D. the Anasazi may have begun to use bows and arrows. The Anasazi may have been cannibal. The Anasazi had "beef" with two of the three tribes they had contact with: Atapasca and Navajo.The Anasazi were also good basket weavers, and pot makers. The pots were different colors based on what they were used for. They also made very fine ceramcs.

Anthony Webb, Philip Alkire

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